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blunty51 said:
Mr Khan said:

Damn, blunty was right. I did luck out in my first few Alatreon runs, as i was frustrated every. single. fucking. time. today. Plus i must've missed that insufferable raining ice attack of his. Knocks his difficulty up a little


And i got a troll on me today. Someone was pissed off that i don't bother to carry bombs on me enough to troll me long after i left the room (by message)

Yea, ppl get REALLY upset if you don't do exactly what u want them to do in Ala. Although I must say bombs is a must assuming you're makin it sleep. But like I said, ppl complain too much in Ala.

One time it fell asleep and i got stuck between it's legs, so I couldn't move to plant bombs by its head. So I planted a couple right there by its stomach. Well, I was everything from a retard to a total dumbfuck, apparently. It was totally unnecessary.

I've gotten stuck between it's legs too during sleep. It's actually kinda funny.


What i hate is when people randomly decide that it's time to get his horns stuck in the wall, and run over to the wall and just beep at you, but given that i lance, i move very slowly and i'm basically naked if i have to climb.

But i forgot to mention that Deviljho turned out surprisingly easy. The most problem i had with him was similar to Alatreon, that he just hits too damn hard when he does connect, but Jho has the added fun of debuffs when he hits ya

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.