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DirtyP2002 said:

nice one. Apps are coming soon for windows phones I guess. And some very good games as well. But who needs X-thousand apps? I have an android phone right now and Apple faboys telling me iOS is better, because it has 200k apps and android only 100k. I use 3 apps actually. One game, one football-scores-ticker and a Halo Reach soundboard :D

The number of apps in a store is just a pissing contest at this point. Nobody really cares how many wallpaper apps and individual e-books an app store has.

The real contest is in app store revenue. In other words, it's not the number of apps but the number of apps people are willing to pay for. Right now, the revenue estimates I see put Android Market at less than 5% the size of Apple's App Store, and unless that changes dramatically, it means Android will be a second-class citizen for developers.

Otherwise it will turn out kind of like Mac OS vs. Windows. Sure, you can find good software to do the most common tasks on Mac OS, but on Windows you find more alternatives for the common tasks, you're much more likely to software for an uncommon task, and the software you find on both platforms will tend to work better on Windows because it's the lead SKU rather than an afterthought port. The Windows software market dwarfs the Mac OS software market, and the value of Mac OS suffers for it.

Mrstickball has a good summary of the challenges facing Android Market on his blog. It's obviously not much of an issue for you with only 3 apps, though. Like the targets of this ad, you're mostly interested in the phone hardware and basic functions of the OS.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.