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oldschoolfool said:
HappySqurriel said:

Being that I have no access to Fox News and I don't watch it, it is difficult for me to comment on their bias but ...

Most media you consume has an agenda; sometimes it is driven by politics, sometimes it is driven by profit, and sometimes it could be driven by personal ideologies. If you understand the tactics used to manipulate people, and you get information from enough sources, it is quite obvious when an organization is trying to form opinions rather than inform you.

I watch CNN daily, have seen MSNBC, and have been forced to watch CBC and CTV's news channels, and the reason why I simply don't trust any of these networks is that they're all very manipulative in how they tell their stories; and they try to control what information is "important" by being very selective in the stories they show and those that are burried.

There's a difference between regular news shows and opinion driven shows. I disagree with last part of your post,news is news no matter how you put it. They only subject that could possibly be spun is politics,but that's were the difference between regular news shows and opinion driven shows come in. lol

While there were experts warning of the housing bubble as early as 2003, did you notice how no one in the mainstream media warned of this until it was in the middle of bursting? Do you notice that the "news" within the real estate market almost always comes from a press-release from a group that has a vested interest in pumping the market (like a group of Realtors or Mortgage brokers)?

Have you noticed that news stories often portray one side as being the victim with very little evidence; and they often bury the story as facts come in that question that?

Every news story is spun ...