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I'd like to refer to part of my first post here on VGChartz, as a lot of people seemed to agree with me for the most part:

"MrPickles said:

Markets: There are many different types of gamer, not just the 'casual' and 'hardcore'

Casual non-gamer: Mom who plays Wii Sports and Solitaire

Casual gamer: Buys Madden every year, along with licensed games based off favourite movies, GTA, and uber-hyped games like Halo. Usually plays the hell out of them.

Hardcore 1-gamer: Similar to the casual gamer, but they play one game religiously. Think WoW.

Hardcore general gamer: Someone who goes to the store every week or two, looks around, and buys something that looks good. If he ends up liking it, he likes it, otherwise 'meh, live and learn'

Hardcore gamer: People like us, who spend hours talking on forums, reading game previews and reviews, sometimes getting into pointless fanboy battles, and making ourselves heard online."

I think its impossible to have just 'casual' and 'hardcore'. Think about it: My mom likes to play Wii Sports sometimes. She is a casual gamer. But what about the person who just plays movie-based games and the odd uber-hyped game like Halo? That is also casual to me, but the two are nothing alike. That's why I've categorized gamers into these 5 different subtypes.