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starcraft said:
scottie said:

Haha, you Americans and your shitty journalists.


My news comes from the RSS feeds of

SBS world news - it's an Australian channel, but I recommend anyone who cares about worldwide news to have a look

ABC news - Not too bad, focuses mostly on Australia

The BBC - slightly trashy at times, and it's best to verify anything big they claim, but good to keep me updated on the motherland


MSNBC are pretty shit, but when this criticisms is being leveled at them by Fox news, I feel an urge to claim bias

Whilst I agree that all three of those websites are good news services, SBS and increasingly the ABC are really quite left wing.

I wonder if it's the same in Australia as it is here.

In the US 40% of newscasters and reporters label themselves as left wing VS 25% as right wing.

A somewhat leftwing bias in news reporting seems "natural".  Though worth noting that it is going to be bias vs what the regular person watching the news is going to think.

Me, I don't like TV media.  They never stick on the interesting parts and since it's on TV they can't link back to the source.

It's what I like about "legitamite" internet media.  Their source is the origin and they link to it, often a paper or poll online where you can review the news yourself directly.


What I hate are the blog spincircles though that just quote something they read off another blog, who read it off another blog, who read it off another blog who read it off a legitamite site.

It takes forever to get back to a real source... and if it's 3 months later or less?  Forget about it since one of the blogs in the chain likely no longer exists.