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Now people you need balance in life

gaming isn't all bad, that guy in the video could of got the same effects from watching too much TV, gambling, alcoholism, drugs, excessive muscle building, addiction to about anything can do those effects.

But its all about Balance

Social -> Entertainment -> health

You must balance your social life by social interactions with people, right now with a socially interacting with each other as a community, online games such as FPS onlines have social interactions, Facebook etc.

Entertainment: Gaming is entertainment and people need entertainment or else you get depressed and live unhappy, entertainment comes in many ways but for around 500 million people Gaming is there Entertainment.

 Health: you must keep healthy, Walk every day, exercise every day, eat healthy. healthy body = healthy lives. 

Keep your balance and you will be find. 

people might say i am a gaming addict, but i have social interaction with people 6 days a week or almost every day, and for hours a day. I play Sports and run every day, and on top i enjoy video games as my main source of entertainment. 

This guy went over board and its sad but people can learn from there mistakes. 

Of Course That's Just My Opinion, I Could Be Wrong