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Also... there is a very simple reason why Fox News is the most trusted cable news source in the country.

1)  Every other Cable News network leans Leftwing at least some... and are going even more that way for ratings.  The only real exception when it comes to Newscasters everyone likes is Anderson Cooper... and he doesn't get the ratings people want him to.  He's one of Republican's favorite newscasters and I mean... he's gay.

The era of the unbiased news reporter is long gone.  I mean, look at Glenn Beck and Keith Olberman.  Both used to be funny entertaining slightly right and slightly left of center politicians who were willing to rib both sides.

Now both are crazd nutballs.  Beck in his Paranoia, and Olberman in his over the top strawman ignoring the facts if they get in the way of a good story attitude.

However with there being multiple Liberal News stations.  It means liberal viewpoints are more split.  AS such, you aren't going to trust news stations you don't watch probably.  And you make even distrust it if you've watched it once or twice and didn't like the guy on air at the time.

Fox news being the only conservatives news station with a lack of a moderate news station means there is no other choice for anyone even slightly right of center.