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Demotruk said:
zuvuyeay said:

fifa blasts off,

sorry for repeating but if pes did launch in germany etc surely it would have charted? unless it really has flopped

good sales for F12010 and DR2 and go K&l2,lol

do people really expect sport champions to sell like it is on the wii? why isn't fifa 11 seliing on the wii like it is on the HD systems,the PS2 beat it

answers on a postcard

Back when FIFA 08 was around, Wii versions sold on the same order of magnitude as the PS3 and 360 versions. Then the next year came "All-Play", and Wii owners have expected FIFA to be shit on Wii since.

That isn't true at all though.  Especially when it comes to first week in Europe.

FIFA 08 (PS2)
Electronic Arts
1 330,191 330,191
FIFA 08 (PS3)
Electronic Arts
1 161,366 161,366
FIFA 08 (X360)
Electronic Arts
1 155,741 155,741
FIFA 08 (Wii)
Electronic Arts
1 33,072 33,072

All-play did a bit better than 08 to start, but apparently had slightly worse legs.  10 did marginally better than All-Play, and finished between 08 and 09 as far as LTD.