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sapphi_snake said:


In the video it said the fire took two hours to go from the barrels to the shed (barn whatever it was) not even the house.


if they knew it took two hours the home owner saw the fire at the early stage in the barrels and could of put the thing out instead of them all rining the fire brigade to fix this.

That is absolutely true. Not to mention that he had enough time to get his pets outside the house. Seems like he left them there in an attempt to coerce the Firefighters to put out his house for free. He should be arrested for animal cruelty.

At the end of the day, when the fire got out of control the firefighters should of put it out and gave them a huge fine like $10000.

That would've been setting a bad example for the guy's neighbours.

Well not if it came with a huge fine.  Of course the problem is they CAN'T fine the guy since the guy lives outside of their incorporation.  Hell, the fire department probably could of been sued by the guy FOR putting out the fire.

The people trying to spin this for political gain are BEYOND hilarious though.

It's like complaining that their fire insurance won't cover everything that burned down because they didn't pay for home owners insurance.

The whole thing really can be summed up with a quote from the home owner.

"I thought they'd come out and put it out, even if you hadn't paid your $75, but I was wrong,"

He himself provides the reason why they had no choice but to watch it burn.