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ishiki said:
A203D said:

No, i think under Yoshinori Kitase's direction the series has been moving further towards becoming more of an interactive movie. this is the case because his background is from the field of film studies, not game design. the FF series has become more about lavish cutscenes with FF13 featuring over 6 hours of cutscenes sacrificing much gameplay and story in the process.

the point is that the FF13 use realistic character models and try to aim for a realisitic tone, but it like they dont understand how to make their games with realitistic tones and dialogue. and this is why Matusno's realism and maturity is better. arguably this is the worst scene ever, can you honestly say that this is where you want to see the series go??? because imo without Sakaguchi this production team will never stop making these mistakes. 


When you insult kitase you're also insulting FF6 you know this yes? FF6 was as or more of Kitase's than FFXII was of Matsuno's. Because they were both co-directed from the start with Hiroyuki Ito. But when "whatever" happened to matsuno Hiroshi Minagawa replaced him.

FFXIII's character models aren't realistic, they're a cross between realistic and anime, like all tetsuya nomura's.

you do know  sakaguchi was an executive produce for FFX-2 too right?

Now I Know I'm going to get flamed for this, but FFX-2 was one of my favorites in the whole series for what is listed below. It did however have one of the worst stories in the series (4-13)... only given competition by FFV imo. But as with FFV it served it's purpose.

final fantasy x-2 was intentionally cheesy at parts and funny as hell and didn't take itself seriously the whole time (like FFIX and FFV albeit in a much more girly way), was one of the final fantasy's that gave you the most freedom, with lots of good and bad mini-games. It also had too much fan-service.

It had one of the best skill learning systems, similar to the job Systems of FFV. So yes, I wouldn't mind

Hmmm, well we could debate FF6, Kitase or FF12 and Matsuno all day, but its wont go anywhere. i thought FF13's was designed to be photorealistic, but perhaps as you say its meant to be a bit more amgbiguous than that.

imo, i thought FF5 had an excellent story, better than FF4, just not enough character development. it had a great revelation about the two worlds originally as one, and the 12 sealed weapons, etc, it was a great game imo.

FF10-2 has some decent gameplay elements, like the sphere coin thing, stuff like that, but imo at the core its still has an abysmal story and characters. and way too much 'fan service' imo. 

either way i think the reason the series has staled is because of things like the FF7 compilation, and the direction of FF13, because of the focus on too many cutscenes, and lack of gameplay elements and uninteresting story. i think there are some very good reasons why FF13 has been a dissappointing game!!