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All this dog about dogs and cats reminds me of one time when I was at my friend's farm and he had a bulldog/pitbull type dog, about 50lbs, it was kind of a small dog, not as big as a German Shepherd or a Rottweiler, it was a little thing, ugly as dirt. The dog was friendly and I never thought it would do a damn thing to anybody. Anyways, one time we were outside talking and hanging out when we see this huge cat looking thing just crossing the field and my buddy's dog just dashes right after it. We run after them immediately as they go into some bushes. We hear some scuffling, some whining and whimpering, some growling and hissing and then we we hear bones crushing and the noise stops. My friend desperately calls for his dog. I start calling for the ugly thing to come back too. A couple of minutes go by, and then, all of a sudden the ugly little pitbull comes back dragging the cat thing and wagging his tail and drops it at our feet. He had broken the animal's neck.

Later on, my friend, who's a nature freak, tells me that that's a Lynx and they can weigh up to 50-60lbs and usually go up a tree to avoid confrontations, but since there was none near he had to defend itself - flight or fight mechanism. They're pretty big cats, and actually that cat was way better looking than the dog, but that day the dog got the best end of the deal. We were both surprised that the dog was able to kill it actually. 

Anyways I'm sure you guys wanted to hear my story, but it's one for the ages. I for one think pets in general are a waste of time and money. They're fun to pet and play with, but much better when it's someone else's and you go and visit and then you go home and don't have to take care of that shit.