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Mr Khan said:
Tino Vainamoinen said:

some one answer this question please!!!

If it's a free for all can write about anything as long as it has the right catagorys....OKAY!!! ok then is it ok to write about something sexual...very bad btw...yet has no sex in it what so ever yet...and uhhh....I put on it that it even has bad things in it righhtt...IS IT OK TO POST IT..................[.L...MKOPDFVFFG??? ;A;A;A;A; SOMEONE ANSWER!

We'll take WessleWoggle's infamous "Cousix Sex" thread as an example of where the line is drawn (though it was nordlead as drew that line at the time, so standards may vary for Machina, cord, Axum, dunno, or Maxwell). Wessle's thread was able to survive quite amiably, even though the very topic was "should i have sex with my cousin or not?" up until after Wessle had sex with her (supposedly), and then proceeded to describe the sex in lurid detail. That was when nordlead shut it down (until Wessle's brief return, when it was revived temporarily)


So there's your answer: Yes sex, but don't get graphic.

well thats not the point some one said I was being affensive and as I looked through there favorites I so wanted to call them a hipocrite!...UGHHH...X( I'm not trying to sound scary here...but I've read graphic stuff on the site...*sigh* all I say is if you don't like it don't look at it! simpla as that am i right?!