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How could her father threaten to send her to military school at that age? Certainly it would be illegal to bind an adult into such a thing against their will


The rest of it I can mostly follow, though i must say that her family is being extraordinarily unrealistic on this matter as you've described it.

In terms of the communication barrier, i'd try sending something physically. Mail, perhaps, though that depends on a lot of variables about who's at home when, but at least it would be an unanticipated avenue that might (at least for the first shot) be unguarded.

I kinda wish i was with my college roommate in China. Aside from bad air and food poisoning, he seems to be having a helluva time. Even picked himself up a trilingual girlfriend before she had to go away to France to study, and is willing to buy me the entire series of One Piece (or any other series i can think of) on DVD, given that he bought all 20 Simpsons seasons for about what we would pay for a single video game.

Vaguely jealous that he managed to pick up a girlfriend before i did, though. One of the few people who understood what it was like to not have a girlfriend (or date at all) before age 21...

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.