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Wii Play, Wii Sports, Rayman 2, Mario & Sonic, High School Musical & Mario Party 8

Thats 6 of the Wii's top 12 selling games this Christmas, thats the very definition of casual/braindead console. You could win at those games without even knowing how to play.

The other 6 :

Mario Galaxy - classic, but not overly hardcore
Guitar Hero 3 - non traditional game, that is played hardcore by its fans
Crossbow Training - kiddie light gun games
Lego Star Wars - kiddie
Zelda - an action game disguised as a casual RPG
Metriod 3 - hardcore shooter

So of the 12 games that sold 40K+ , only 1 is hardcore in my book. (Metriod) So Rol dont try to tell me 1 out of 4 Wii owners are hardcore gamers. Because if they are they are doing their hardcore gaming on a PS3 or XBox.