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numonex said:

Atheism is live and well in China. China respects human rights and child labour laws gets children into factories to work to make goods for the wealthy nations in developed world. Child labour helps countries get out of debt and well child income help support their families and pay their own way in life.

No Human rights and executions without trial is the way the world should operate. China today, Soviet Union, Nazi Germany had the right stance on human rights- right? Economic saboteurs are sentenced to death in Atheist "Capitalist" China and Russia. By believing man is God, he is a slave to the state system under a Chinese Communist or Capitalist system. 

Islamic nations under Shari'a (Islamic) law hands chopped off for theft in Iran. Law courts are a waste of tax payers money. Bring back the death penalty and do not delay just carry out as soon as guilty verdict is yelled by the angry mob. Mob rule, down with democracy. Mob rules and Islamic law is carried out according to the full extent of the conservative Islamic law.. 

No or limited defence trials would help save tax payer money. Trial by witch hunt. Shari'a law delivers justice for Islam against the criminals.

Islamic nations and Chinese governments do not waste tax payers  money on useless socialist programs that add no value to the economy.  

Be a good Atheist and embrace the Chinese way of life. China is the leader exporter and the largest creditor. China has a great economy, who cares about its stance on human rights? China is a democratic nation.  UN endorses China as the greatest nation on Earth: human rights approved and well china is keeping the rest of the world afloat by buying up your nation's debt.

Atheists are moral/ethical people: China and Russia are the two leading economic power houses that leave USA dead in their track.

Anything and everything is ok to make a living even if it means breaking the ethics law or codes of morality. 

The hell?

I'm not sure wether or not you are making a sarcastic argument stating that atheists are like China and therefore bad. If so that's a complete crock. What do China and Russia have to do with anything?

Also, nice post ND3G. Very interesting points, and ones I didn't necessarily think of. Thanks for the informational ammo.

I survived the Apocalyps3