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Esquoret said:

Hi OoSnap,

Thanks for sharing your finds and thoughts.

I'm a Christian (in Sydney) who has a certain interest in these type of topics as well - signs of the End Times, the truth about Freemasonry, etc. I'm just wondering if you've read the research of Thomas Horn? His book "2012 Apollyon Rising" really opened my eye. One of the issues he raises is on Transhumanism and how it relates to the ancient and demonic Nephilims. Let me just share a link with you of an interview with the author:

Anyways, I've only joined this forum not too long ago, and I'm just surprised to see many spirituality-related threads in a gaming community.

By the way, if you could help me on one thing: How may I create a thread? I looked all over but can't find the button. Do I have to accumulate a certain amount of forum points to do that?

Hey, thanks. I haven't heard about Thomas Horn. I'll check out the link.

I believe you need to have a certain number of posts before you can create a thread.