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RolStoppable said:

It's pretty obvious that Nintendo was never going to abandon the core gamer market. They already released sequels to quite a lot of their most popular franchises within the first year of the Wii's lifespan. These franchises are the core of the videogame market, they are around since 15+ years.

The current "hardcore" gamers are people who grew up on Madden, GTA, Halo, Gran Turismo, Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy (since VII) and such games. Most of these "hardcore" won't accept and play what Nintendo offers, so it would be wasted effort from Nintendo to make games that appeal to these "hardcore" (these people don't like the "genre" Nintendo games).

Besides, they aren't really an as important group for the market as they think. If they were, they would be able to support 3rd parties enough, so that they would actually post profits.

Core gamers (the people who don't restrict themselves to only a couple or a handful of genres) are much more important for Nintendo (and 3rd parties), they buy games from all genres and they buy a lot of games. That's why Nintendo will never abandon them and that's why Nintendo has already released sequels to a lot of their core games for the Wii (and more are in the works alongside with new IPs).

You are my hero. Good to see you still refuse the dicotomy hardcore X casual. These self proclaimed hardcores are a joke. It goes like this:

pseudo-hardcore: Nintendo is destroying gaming as we know it, they hate the hardcore.
core gamer: Do you miss the Gamecube? That was one of the most hardcore consoles ever.
pseudo-hardcore: ah ... I did not own a GC. My favorite games were not avaible on the GC. You know Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, GTA.
core gamer: Interesting. These game are the most mainstream of their respective genres. It could be argued they appeal to a more "casual" crownd.
pseudo-hardcore: Whatever, I dislike Nintendo games.
core gamer: Nintendo is not genre nor develops genre exclusive games. Ignoring the fact that there are other things than Nintendo games on GC, avoiding Nintendo developed games is as arbitrary as avoiding games that start with F or games with red colored covers.
pseudo-hardcore: Sorry, gotta go. Mom is calling me for dinner.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."