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CGI-Quality said:
Kasz216 said:
CGI-Quality said:
Grimes said:
CGI-Quality said:

Indeed you could, because internet go-ers opinions mean jack shit in the real world.

Then what is this purpose of this site if not to discuss such issues?

I didn't say we couldn't discuss sales, obviously I wouldn't be here either if I felt that way. But my opinion means little to shareholders, manufacturers, and higher-ups making money. As far as I'm concerned, if Sony expected a slow burner (which they did), and this is where it started, I see nothing wrong with it, especially if such sales are sustained.

Expecting somethint to sell poorly isn't a defense for something selling poorly.

Afterall, move had to cost quite a bit of money.  If I spend ten million dollars developing a gun that shoots mustard, and I only expect 1 to sell to myself for $5.99 and I sell 2... it still sold poorly.

It selling how it does means a lot to shareholders, manufactuers and higher ups... because it puts it still in a troubled situation.  For all we know, Sony could of expected it to sell slow, simply because they realized via their market research that it was going to sell poorly.

We don't really know any better then we did before launch if it'll succeed or fail.  All you can really say definitly... is that it's opening sales didn't make it a successs.

But what you consider "selling poorly" doesn't make it a poorly selling product. And as far as it being a success, since none of us know anything for sure, it will remain opinionated and speculated to the contrary/favoring.

That's pretty much the angle of my logic.

Except... people have given actual logic as to why they see it as a poorly selling product.

Your only defense so far has been "Sony expected it to sell like this" and hope basically.

You haven't even quoted or suggested a similar situation in which said hope is justified.

It basically feals like you have no arguement, therefore your pulling out a catchall defense soley because you want a catchall wait and see defense without actually analyzing anything about it.


300,000 sales for the move is i believe... lower then the Rumble packs debuts on the N64.