rf40928 said:
Sony fans have a strong argument that the PS3 is a solid product, and it is.. but from a business perspective, Sony can't take another last place console. They really are just now barely making money from the PS3 which hardly offsets whats been lost the since launch 4 years ago. If you want to compare Apples to Apples we neeed to stop comparing the sales of the PS3 to the Wii or Xbox 360.. This Gen probably has about 3 more yrs till you start seeing Next Gen consoles ( which gives you nearly a ten year cycle ) .. If you want to compare Apples to Apples stop comparing the sales of the PS3 to the Wii or Xbox 360.. Xbox 1 sold 24.6 million lifetime - Xbox 360 has sold 45.3 million so far ( an INCREASE of 98% more owners then the previous console userbase ) ----> PS2 sold 137.1 million Lifetime - PS3 has sold 37.8 Million so far ( A DECREASE of 73% less owners then the previous console userbase ) --- > GameCube sold 21.7 Million Lifetime - Wii has sold 74.2 Million so far ( an INCREASE of NEARLY 300% more owners ! ) .. Software wise you'll see the same trend, everyone has increased software sales over thieir previous gen console, except the PS3..
Weird. I just stated something similar above just more ... loquaciously, lol.