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numonex said:

Paranoid, religious extremist leader/government in Europe pushing anti-terrorists policies. Scapegoat of Muslims and using them as a tool to create fear in the people. Fear = discipline, divide, conquer and control. Government strengthens its grip when it divides and conquers people. Individuals are easier to control than organised groups. 

The global war on terrorism can never be won. Terrorists are not solely Muslims, anyone can be a terrorist/thug/hooligan. The government's army and police are growing all the time. The media makes us believe that the Terrorists are all extreme Muslim fundamentalists. 

Safe and secure to keep the terrorists at bay but the loss of freedom and liberty. Internet censorship, wire tapping and the loss of privacy.  Richard Nixon was perhaps ahead of his times. His methods are considered acceptable in the modern police state.  

Obviously, not all terrorists are Muslims, but the vast majority of international terrorists are radical fundimentalist muslims.

Now, the trade-off between freedom and safety has been going on since the first individuals formed the first tribal groups. In fact the debate is relevant in all politics today as often one group or political party will argue that it is reasonable to trample another's freedoms for the safety of another; and it isn't limited to one political party or ideology, and it seems that everyone (except Libertarians) seems to believe that some freedoms are worth giving up for some safety.