Doobie_wop said: Outside of God of War 3, how many system sellers did the PS3 have this year? People aren't blaming the Wii decline on the lack of system sellers, they're blaming it on the lack of releases in general. Most of the exclusives that Sony released this year are also niche, some of them even more so than the Wii titles I listed before and most of the Sony releases had been new IPs. The Wii is in decline because it hit it's peak last year or it's in decline because the competition have improved upon their consoles both hardware and software wise and the consumer has taken notice. I don't believe the decline can be completely blamed on the lack of system sellers (which is Nintendo's fault and not the fault of the competition). I'm sure we'll see a rise in the coming holidays, but I doubt it's going to be as large as people want it to be. |
The PS3 doesn't necessarily need exclusives to sell systems, when it has such strong multiplats (FFXIII, Red Dead, BF: BC). It may not beat the 360's lineup (which I find more or less even), but it easily outdoes the Wii's, which really has had nothing since NSMB.
Which is, of course, the reason why it's in decline. Yes, this is Nintendo's fault, but it's not easy carrying a platform on your own. As for the rise in the holidays, you'll be surprised at what software, combined with Nintendo's holiday boost, can do. Recall the Wii last year was in massive decline (due to lack of software), yet it still had a record breaking holiday. The current lineup looks promising enough for things to go well Nov / Dec - not quite last year, but far better than people here expect, I'd say.