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darthdevidem01 said:
CGI-Quality said:
Stefan.De.Machtige said:

A lot of hypocrisy in this thread.

When a big of even decent game of a franchise sells like this, its called a flop - Lets take Other M lately. Under 2 % of the PS3's base bought it. Fail.


Move is a new peripheral expected to start off slow, not a 20 year franchise the likes of Metroid. Hardly comparable.


Not to mention NINTENDO expected Other M to sell much much more than Corruption......Other M will be selling less than Corruption in actuality.

I just used Other M as example, because i spend some threads discussing it with Khuutra - and therfore it popped up first in my memory. There are many other - newer, if you will -  games where a similar debut were deemed a flop. Hypocrisy! 

Move is just another peripheral, thats the excuse? Its supposed to be a new breath for the PS3 - an expansion of their audience. Sony dedicated a lot of time to it. In all its conferences of 2010 move was front and center. You couldn't miss it. Therefore, this is a bad start for the move. 


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