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I'm not sure I'm qualified to agree or disagree, because the sum total time I spent on FFXII would beabout an hour (XII was the one with blitzball, right? If the answer is no, then my total time is 0 hours)


However, I didn't particularly like FFXIII This is not to say it's a bad game, certainly it has appealed to millions and most people seem to be happy with it. It just isn't the right RPG for me. I prefer something much more open world, with greater customisability in your characters and mroe control of the combat. Infact, the only time I play computer RPGs is when my friends are too busy to play Dungeons and Dragons.


- Or gurps, which I have recently gotten into. The rules are excellent, as long as you dont try to break them. My first character could run at a significant fraction of the speed of light, whilst wearing a mech suit. He could kill anyone who wasnt wearing a mech suit simply by running into them. My second character could, if he spent an hour casting a spell, set every single person in the world, permanently on fire. Third character is good, and not so broken :)


After playing something like DnD or Gurps, the small amount of customisation and non-linearality in FFXIII is just not enough.