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@happysquirrel you know what i knew no matter what psmove sold it would never do wiimote numbers, even sony said themselves they did not expect massive sales, so saying that 300k is worrying is wrong, sony have said they give it a year for move to take off, and if move will be at 2m by christmas, which is possible might I add, then it will easy reach 5m by the end of it's year out, which is more than enough sales to keep on supporting it.

you realise that the coke promo has not even started yet, i mean my own sister did not know about it until is showed her and now she is getting it for Christmas, you all want move to fail but it won't, because even she agreed it's nothing like wii (and she has a wii) and it reminded her more of ps2 eyetoy games with start the party, but obviously with much better controls (very precise)

all i see in here is jealously for one fact ps3>wii for two weeks thanks to move, so much for move not making a different, that's not bashing but just telling it how it is.

it's the future of handheld


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