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I'm getting sick of people saying that the Wii didn't have any big releases this year, it's had heaps of titles released for it, the fact that they don't sell is the fault of the console and not the fault of it's competitors. 

No More Heroes 2

Tatsunoko VS Capcom: Ultimate All-stars

Super Mario Galaxy 2

Red Steel 2

Metroid: Other M

Sin & Punishment 2

Endless Ocean: Blue World

Monster Hunter Tri

Trauma Team

It's gotten all these games and more. All of them have been well reviewed and they all released in 2010 alongside heaps of third party Wii titles.

The same thing could be said for the 360, but 360 fas aren't throwing around the 'no games' excuse, so I'll excuse them from my annoying lists.

The PS3 is doing fine in America, it was being outsold by a few thousand by the 360 just before it's slim release and it's currently outselling the Wii. Once Sony cuts the price or whatever, then maybe it'll jump, but I'd bet that the Americas is 360 territory for the rest of the year. 

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.