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Nsanity said:
Jay520 said:
CDiablo said:

< Killzone 2. I feel a lot of games sequels released in within the same gen dont do as well as the previous installments. Im not a fan of the series but I do hope Im wrong, those guys put a lot of work into the game. Unlike Uncharted 2 the market is flooded with FPS's and Im sure COD 8(9 or 10 or whatever) will still take peoples dollars.

I doubt that'll happen considering Killzone 2 had nearly zero advertising.

Killzone 2 having nearly zero advertising is load of horse crap.

In Europe, i agree.  They had like a red carpet reveal and ads on the sides of buildings over there.

In North America its marketing was fairly weak though, and most definitely ineffective.  One crappy tv ad that showed nothing of gameplay or anything exciting at all is not how you sell a game.