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RolStoppable said:

Metroid: Other M is a mixed bag and not what most longtime fans of the series had hoped for, but there is no denying that it did one thing well: Portray a woman the way a woman has to be. Obedient, insecure and lost without a strong man around who tells her what to do.

For many years hardcore gamers complained that Nintendo refused to catch up to the rest of the gaming industry in terms of story telling and character development. Metroid: Other M is a big step in the right direction and perhaps even makes Nintendo cool again. The designers of the game did their best to bring Samus Aran's breast size to an adequate level, comparable with most modern games. The director of the cutscenes showed talent in finding the right camera angles, so that the player always gets the best possible view on the action.

As a huge fan of the Fire Emblem series I am hoping that Nintendo puts similar changes into the next game. Women aren't strong, tough, intelligent or most ridiculously, equal to men. In the history of mankind, women always had one simple purpose: to be beautiful objects that obey and serve men. While now someone might point out that there have been women that were more than that, like Madame Curie, let me say that this just isn't true. The only reason why she is also credited with discovering the radium is because her husband didn't lock the door to his lab.

All females in video games should follow men's orders, because that's their natural role. Metroid: Other M resonated so well with the audience precisely because it showed how Samus Aran really is: weak, fragile and hot. All games should strive to be like this, because it makes female characters more authentic.

I couldn't have said it better myself.  Very true.