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'And those Blue Ocean lapsed- or non-gamers? They’re the same people who only have interest in 3D when it’s a marquee event – like an Avatar. So far, there’s nothing on the radar for the 3DS software lineup that’s likely to lure that demographic.'

Lalw. Is he serious?

I must've imagined seeing Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, Nintendogs and Professor Layton announced for 3DS then. All of those are casual-targeted multi-million sellers. Heck, Nintendogs for DS was the original game that started the whole blue ocean casual craze for Nintendo.

And that's not even mentoning the tons of 3rd party stuff coming out, targeted at casuals, like FIFA, Madden, The Sims, Deca Sports, Carnival Games, a LEGO game etcetera. The guy must not've noticed the lineup?

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046