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Carl2291 said:
Squilliam said:

Its the same reason why you don't have to know anything about how a pokemon clone might actually play before giving a pretty good guess on how the sales will likely turn out relative to pokemon.

With the 3DS we know that the exclusivity the PSP had with certain genres and styles of games are over as the 3DS is most certainly a 3D handheld. We also know that it is the sequel and compatible with the most powerful (market terms) handheld gaming system ever released.

So whilst its not impossible that the PSP2 is going to sell well relative to the 3DS, the bets are going one way at this point. I wonder if current PSP owners will find out that the PSP2 isn't backwards compatible in time for the 3DS launch.

Yes. It might be a must have iPhone like gadget. However only two companies in recent times have made these gadgets, Nintendo and Apple. Sony isn't either one of them. Its not that much difference to wondering whether the new Samsung 7" tablet will sell well relative to the iPad.

No doubt. 3DS is going to be huge. Probably bigger than the DS.

But completely writing off the PSP2 before we know anything at all about it is just silly. Just look at what happened with the Wii.

PS3/360 had all the games. Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo, Halo... Etc. What did the Wii have? A weird name and an unproven, mocked control system. Yet look at what it's done...

All I'm saying is. Don't completely write it off just because the 3DS is looking sweet.

All im saying is that the PSP2 is probably going to be Sony's most difficult gaming product launch to date. The deck is stacked against them. At this point if they sell as much as the current PSP in the lifetime of the PSP2 they will have done very well for themselves.
