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HappySqurriel said:
jneul said:
HappySqurriel said:
jneul said:

haha at all the people saying 300k is not impressive didn;t you all pedict a lower number, also sony did say they expected a low turn out for move, so get over it, games like socom 4, mag, sorcery, time crisis, dead space 2, infamous 2 will encourage even more people to jump on the band wagon, and i still casn't see why 100% of the userbase that owns the eye wont buy move... but eventually when they can

i can't wait for japan sales... of move

Actually, I didn't predict anything ...

When you consider that Wii Fit sold 2 Million units in a similar time frame at a similar price and was sold out for months because demand was so (amazingly) high, selling 300,000 and being readily available everywhere should indicate that PS Move is not a particularly "hot" product. Certainly, we may see improved sales through Christmas, and renewed interest around game releases, but that doesn't mean that it will ever be a particularly popular product.

Yeah way to go lets compare everything to wii-fit one of the worst things to be released this generation imo(sales != quality), also wii was very popular by then, another food for thought sc sales is not far of

New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis

sales week aligned sales of course!! and that is without japan, so you wanna go away now??

So, third parties won't abandon and bash the Playstation Move if it only sells a couple million units?

The PS3 already has a larger userbase than the Wii had with Wii Fit, and the PS Move might sell well compared to most games but its entire value is as a platform; and at the rate its selling third party publishers will not support it for very long.

At the rate it's selling? Average 150K increase in userbase per week. If it sells at that rate in the medium term I think 3rd party publishers will be more than happy to support it long term. The thing about a new platform is that it starts out with not many games, which means your one game will capture a larger share of a small install base, as opposed to later when there are many games and your one game will capture a smaller share of a larger install base. Resistance: FOM was the highest selling exclusive for a long time even though it launched on a low install base. Indeed it's still a higher selling exclusive than the other exclusive FPS franchise Killzone 2. So a small install base doesn't necessarily mean crap sales for good quality titles.

I think a lot of 3rd parties will hedge their bets for some time to come, making games that control either with Move or DS3, at least for their AAA titles. They can't ignore the DS3 only user base. This is where Move has the ability to not suffer greatly from the slow burn sales approach. Trouble is this also means 3rd parties who make Move only games are going to mostly release cheap to make (meaning shovelware in many cases) games in the hopes of making a profit at lower overall sales (and with Sony 1st party games selling for 2/3 of the normal HD game price it'll make it a challenge).

3rd parties also don't need to make Move exclusive games. There's another motion controller similar to Move that already has multi-million install base. As long as they don't try to give a Move version a complete HD make-over then the PS3 Move version of a PSWii multiplat is simply a smaller but additional revenue stream. Now that studios are having an easier time of making PS3 games the multiplating costs will be such that making a profitable PSWii motion control game won't be such a daunting task.

I don't think there's all that much risk with the slow burn strategy while Sony's first parties can, and do, support Move with quality titles. However things could go the way of Wii and 3rd parties.

I don't know whay people think there aren't the games to get people into Move. There are games in a variety of genres with Move functionality that appeal to a broad audience. I just wish R.U.S.E was doing better, I enjoyed the demo and plan to get it myself.

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Jimi Hendrix