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CGI-Quality said:
Kasz216 said:

People are considering those numbers good....


I wouldn't... but ok.

Well, good in the sense that this was supposed to start off rather slow, and though the numbers aren't spectacular, it's off to a relatively good start. It's future will depend on word of mouth (which as it satnds is great right now) and strong software. Considering the current software isn't the best the device is going to see, the numbers are probably what Sony expected. What you or I think is irelevant.

Eh, I'm just saying.  300,000 seems... low. 

It DEFINITLY will need to keep up on the legs... otherwise... the support will die off.

I mean, you probably need at least a 5-10 million userbase to sustain a healthy software profile don't you think?

It's basically developing for a whole different platform afterall.   250,000 for the highest selling game... could you imagine the reaction if that was week 1 for a regular PS3 game?  Not to mention individual sales will go down as more software offerings hit their marks.

It's... definitly a gamble at this stage.