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TRios_Zen said:
jneul said:
TRios_Zen said:

But for the purposes of tracking users, that doesn't matter, right?

What I mean is if no matter how interested you are in any given move-enabled game, you wil only buy one copy, right?  NOT two, just because you have multiple Move controllers, right?

On topic, 500K seems like a good start, so it will be interesting to see what kind of momentum move can generate going into the holiday sales period.

what on earth are you going on about lol, i was talking about controller only sales(move specifically), they all need to be tracked, not talking about SC or any other software if you are getting confused...

if we want to track move we will need all the sales data for the starter kits, single purchase of move/navi that is what i mean, hope it's More clear now

Sorry, I was referring to the fact that ioi had noted that VGChartz were tracking "userbase" numbers for Move/Kinect.

While I can see why you maybe interested in the total number of Move units out there, I'm not sure how that is all that useful.  However, I'm not trying to disuade you from trying to find out!

Lol if only I had the resources

it's the future of handheld


The official Vita thread