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zuvuyeay said:
ethomaz said:
zuvuyeay said:
ethomaz said:


UK is so different from Europe.

what do you mean exactly

Game/console sales on UK have always been different from the rest of Europe (and the World). A game/console that sells well in the UK can be failure in Europe or otherwise.

360 sells a lot better on UK but PS3 is better when Europe is the focus... so sales ranking from online stores in UK means nothing.

Exemple... Sports Champions down 12% on UK but up 15% on Europe... understand now.

UK is a unique market for games and not represent the rest of Europe (or world).

not really,

did sport champions release the same everywhere in emeaa,

there are more PS3's in the UK than any of the other big euro countries,i also think that 360/ps3 is pretty much equal in most euro countries as is the total s/ware for emeaa

Same day.... September 17th.

And it's not true... just in UK 360 > PS3... in others EU countries PS3 >>>> 360... PS3 total software on EMEAA has 5 million lead over 360 with almost 1,5 years less.