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Buzzi said:
ethomaz said:
Buzzi said:

Am I the only one thinking the boost has more to do with F1 2010 than Move? If next week sales return under 60k I would say I'm probably right, so we'll see.

F1 2010 had bundle??? If no... the boost was from Move.

And Sports Champions up 10k too... so MOVE boost.

There are people who buy a console for a specific game even if not bundled. If not a console couln't sell without bundles! Some of the boost is from Move, that's obvious...but I think the whole bump has more to do with the F1 game. Not that it matters, a boost is a boost!

I don't understand Nintendo...they cut their prediction from 18m to 17.5m, they really expect the Wii to perform during holidays like last year without three 10 m games and a price cut?? I hope not!

Or maybe they think those games they have for holiday will be huge ?

It wouldn't be the first time in history when company gets so full of it's awesomness to think everything they make will sell at any price ;)