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ethomaz said:
Jadedx said:
Torillian said:
Jadedx said:
ethomaz said:
CGI-Quality said:
Lyrikalstylez said:

360 still on top, despite the move launch!!!


Looks like 360 will remain on top come Kinect

Wait, are you saying you expected the PS3 to top the 360 when Move launched?

And with Halo: Reach boosting 360???

It's the same for GT5 and Kinect launch... PS3 will top 360 in November.

Nope, it wont.

Like to make a bet on it?  I'm absolutely sure it'll be on top atleast for GT5's launch week  while you seem to doubt it'll even get that week.

He said that GT5 will be on top for november, not just the first week. And I dont do bets.

November in Europe... yeah.

Could quote me later.


Good sales all around but I don't think ps3 is going to outsell 360 this month.

or next month or the rest of the year, this is why.


I think a lot of you are under scoring the effect that kinect is going to have on the market. I know a lot of people who are going to buy this, that are not stand in line pre-order type of people. YOu know who that is? parents. This will be hugh with kids.  you can say that it's just going to sell big and then plummet. Parents, "moms", talk all over the naughborhood. this will be the selling point of word of mouth. believe me I thought the same about the wii,  now I own one. mainly do to the classics and my girl likes all the other.

Move is not going to do hugh next week, if anything it's going to be Fifa or GT5 in the coming weeks that come out swinging. Move only moving 10,000 more is not a monster sale and won't continue. It will sell mainly to loyal sony fans. Maybe I'm totally wrong but this is how I see it. I'm 28 and parents that don't have xbox360, non stop keep asking me about kinect. it's almost annoying.

I told them after exlpaining kinect to get halo but they don't seem to care for that type of thing. they seem to love the kinectanimals game. Maybe europe does not care about this but americans will. when you find something for moms and parents to really talk about in america you get wii.........

feel free to tell me I'm wrong cause I just might be. Either way screw kotick. lol

No I don't want to bet. I just will come in and say i said so.