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My top five:

1. LittleBigPlanet
2. Demon's Souls
3. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
4. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
5. Killzone 2 (yeah yeah, no shooters, but its still one of the very best on ps3)

And to complete the set (can't play one without the other!):

6. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

LittleBigPlanet is easily the best game on ps3, but I must warn you - don't go into it expecting to be amazed by its platforming.  The platforming alone is pretty average, and is not the selling point of the game.  Go into it expecting an excellent and easy to use drop-in/drop-out multiplayer system, with a wealth of awesome, user made levels for you and your friends to access.  The game is really all about playing with friends and just having a good time. 

Playing with a friend takes no more effort than sending a quick invite on PSN or simply turning on a second controller (they automatically appear in your pod, instantaneously!), and user made levels are streamed ala YouTube, so it's only a few buttons taps from there before you're playing one of the 2.5 million custom levels available.  And friends can join you at literally anytime - while browsing the "menu", which is actually 3D and fully interactive, while playing a level, and so on.

And of course, there's the incredibly robust editor, for those more inclined to create levels than just play them.

I have played this game far more than any other game this generation, and I've spent almost all of my time playing with whoever's at my place or online, going from 5-star level to 5-star level, slapping each other up and in general just screwing around.  It's loads of fun.

And if you happen to be lacking in friends to play with, just hit me up!  I'm playing alllll the time, and will gladly help any noob track down all the items in he story mode, for example.  I've only done it 4-5 times already.  xD

So yeah, it's awesome.  And any fan of Nintendo should theoretically be all over a game like this, given its style and emphasis on sheer fun. 

Yet for some reason some aren't.  Honestly, I find that of the large portion of people that weren't very impressed by the title, almost all of them went into it with the view that its a singleplayer platformer with a level editor tacked on.  "The platforming wasn't that great, and I don't like making levels," they'd say.  Talk about missing the point.