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Guitar Hero has gone BOMBA!

Activision needs to find another franchise to milk, COD may be next, but I have a feeling they'll find something to replace it in the near future.

Dead Rising is actually doing better than I expected, it should sell much more in the US and with Japan it should at least get around 200k per console (Probably a lot more on 360 than PS3).

I'm really happy F1 is doing well, it's always nice to see an underdog game doing really well. Should do around 300k on PS3 and 250k on 360 first week. 

Sports Champion is still trucking along and it's nice to see a boost for a lot of the older Move games (Heavy Rain, Resi 5, Eye Pet etc).

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.