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thx1139 said:

As for PS3 sales exploding at $199 that will all depend when that happens. If it happens with no apparent next gen starting than sales may increase. If it is apparent that a new generation is going to start soon then the $199 will be to late to signifigantly move PS3's.

I believe Sony will go to $249.99 before they go to $199.99.  They need to spend some time selling the PS3 for a profit.  1 year from now the PS3 will not be profitable at $199.99.  It should be profitable at $249.99.

Going to a 32nm production module the PS3 could be pretty much profitable at $199 in one year or so. That's the absolute maximum I think it will reach though.

The X360 and even the Wii shouldn't go below $149 anyways, so it should sell fine.