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kowhoho said:
hatmoza said:
kowhoho said:
hatmoza said:

They have morals, respect isn't one of them.

Some justification would be wonderful.

Just the way they/you :P talk down to people. For example, I have one or two friends who are atheist, and they always try to make the point that they are smarter and more logical than people who believe in "God".

I know I'm probably generalizing but I'm sorry if it seems that way to me. if they're not online flaming, provoking or spewing utter nonsense about other religions, they're trying to make the case that they are smarter than everyone one else because they believe in what they believe in. Which honestly, makes me sick.

 Everyone has morals to a degree. When you start isolating certain characteristics, you start to see the good and bad of all religions/beliefs.

"My most recent faith struggle is not one of intellect. I don't really do that anymore. Sooner or later you just figure out there are some guys who don't believe in God and they can prove He doesn't exist, and some other guys who do believe in God and they can prove He does exist, and the argument stopped being about God a long time ago and now it's about who is smarter, and honestly I don't care." -Donald Miller

Whether or not you agree with my position or the way I support it has no bearing on my morality. If you think the things I say are inflammatory that's your problem. When I try to change the way others think (or at the very least provide a perspective different from theirs) I do it because I believe I am right. If I'm not right, it still isn't a big deal because we will all answer to the same truth in the end but I'd rather people were able to come to their own conclusion after seeing both sides. To be frank, your generalizations make me sick.

Just because I argue a point against someone else (since I believe they are wrong) doesn't make me condescending.

I don't think you are able to quanitfy morality in the first place. Morality is largely a subjective entity and can't be entirely defined. This is why I am bothered when people say that they are "more moral" than others.

LOL! no no no, I wasn't even talking about your posts! I didn't even read through th thread. My brief post was a quick response to the thread title.

However VGC members do fall in the second catagory. Think you're smarter than us God believers do you

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson