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zgamer5 said:
rf40928 said:
zgamer5 said:
rf40928 said:
BHR-3 said:


Will Call of Duty Black Ops PS3 Out Do Halo Reach's First Week?



There are no TIPS this time do to dis respect calling me stealth troll, locking my threads, banning my vgc friends, and saying my math's is wrong do it yourselves now




     Ive been reading alot of comments recently here on VGChartz lot of people are really excited about what Reach was able to put up 1st week. I myself can't really comment since i dont own the game or am a MS fan but I'd say this, if i was a MS fan i would be a tad bit dissapointed with its sales much like i was with Uncharted 2, i made the thread that it would sell 2M end of 09 last year and it did, i was happy for it but then when i finally got the game around December i wasnt really feeling the campaign and made multiple threads on the matter that it wasnt deserving of 10/10 and best single player of the decade, i owned up to my disappointment.

Now idc about if your still excited about its first weeks sales or whatever, but way before Reach came out i had originally predicted that GT5 would out sell it by the end of this year thats b/c i thought GT5 would release around June but it hasnt so i had to revise my prophesy to GT5>Reach LT.  Now I cant just let Reach get away like that this year so i had to go back to the lab and come up with another prophesy that was bold about something vs Reach for this year and i came up with this,another thing that came up in the lab was CODBO 360 selling more than reach end of 2010 but i believe most would see this happening as well

Post what you believe will occur regarding this matter of PS3s COD vs Reach 1st week performance

I'll go first I believe COD BO PS3 WW Numbers for week one will be greater or equal to Reach's and if there not i only see it being about 100-200k off form what Reach did

Reachs current WW week one numbers are 4,049,971

From above: "I myself can't really comment since i dont own the game or am a MS fan but I'd say this, if i was a MS fan i would be a tad bit dissapointed with its sales much like i was with Uncharted 2.."

Why would you be a tad disappointed?  With Reach you just broke your previously highest selling Halo 1 week record ( which used to be Halo 3 ) by nearly 250k units.. which proves they not only kept their core fans, but picked up a few new ones, which alot of games on their 4 or 5th release do not do.. If you look at even games like Final Fantasy.. mostly its the core fans who keep it selling.. but they dont typically outsell the others..'

Also, Reach's first week outsold Halo 3's.. so it'll probably beat Halo 3's lifetime sales ( released 2007 ) eventually.. which Halo 3 ( 360's second best seller ) did 11.1 Million units sold.. Compared to PS3's #1 best seller COD MW2 at 8.2 Million units ( PS3 #2 seller only did a bit over 6 million units sold ! )..

Id be more disappointed if I was solely in the PS3 camp, in the end if you're a gaming fan you love each console for what is good.. I'm not a fanboy, I loved the PS2, but I think Sony lost its vision a bit with the PS3 as far as keeping in touch with the avg gamer..

can i ask you a question? do you know what were the predictions of some people here about halo reaches week one? the answer to that is no./ ends thread.

The answer is I do know, and you evidentally think for some reason that 'If YOU beleive someone doesnt know then they don't... thats called delusion.. Obviosly Im a halo fan so Ive read alot more then just at VGChartz..

There were a couple post on the forums about Reach's expectations, One was first week sales expectations alone..and I beleive one was lifetime..

' Some' fans said it would sell better then Halo 3 ( and Reach did this & holds the record for an exclusive now ! ) ..So some said it would be more, but many ( Id say mostly PS3 spoil-sports ) were saying it would do much less - more like ODST sales - and they said this because they assumed ODST was a trend of Halo sales going down, instead of the truth - Which is ODST was an expansion not based on the Super Human Characters "Spartans" Which everyone plays in multiplayer..

Fact is any game based on the traditional Spartans is probably going to sell very strong for quite some time because FPS are in .. and Halo has a great storyline..

Back to the orginal answer I already gave - COD BO XB360 might sell alittle more then Halo Reach the first week, but not the PS3 version.  Halo Reach is now the exclusive record holder ( sold 4.1 million in its first 5 days), overtaking Halo 3 ( sold 3.7 million in 1st week) .. It'll probably hold that record for awhile.. maybe even till next gen consoles are out..

lol again you fail. most of the predictions of people where in the mid 4 millions or high 4 millions, it did sell more then halo 3 but their were thousands of posts saying that its going to beat mw2 and their was a thread about the fw of reach outselling mgs4 which is at 4.9.

lol ps3 fans said it would do odst numbers, you hit it right on the spot!!! yes their are the fanboys from both sides, and their is a chance that some fanboys said it would do like odst, but in the past 6 months i barely saw people say that reach will trend like odst, bhr and others used odst to say that halo reach wont outsell halo 3 lifetime but they never compared it to odst, they also used odst in gt5 vs reach threads, but that is something else.

i dont care about halo reach's record, point it halo fans were disapointed, heck even i a SONY FAN was disapointed because i expected more.  yo_jhon one of the biggest halo fans said that he expected more, and obviously reach halo_reach and ihugi were way off their 5 million fw sales. reach sold great, but many people were disapointed.

Who was disappointed? Bungie ? MS? Fans ? I dont think anyone was really.. I dont see any hardcore fans having pity parties... Maybe a few Sony fans are upset that another MS exclusive did well.. I think ALL the above ( minus Sony fanboys ) were happy Reach turned out to be a great game; happy it sold well; happier it sold more then Halo 3 and not less. 

Even if many fans, of which many are children and teens with high expectations and imaginations mind you, predicted it would sell higher (then its record breaking number that it did ) - does it matter?  I didnt fail at anything.. You said "Most said it would sell mid to high 4's or even 5's" ... I'd say maybe HALF, but NOT MOST actually said that ,  ... just as many who said it would see that higher number said it would sell 3 million its first week..  You say many were disappointed, but I'm not seeing much disappointment in the air.. of course someones always going to complain, since no game on any console can please everyone all the time, although much of it..