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This guy sounds like a member of the Jesuit Order of the Catholic Church and shares similar conservative social views to all the papal knights and Priests of the Catholic Church including the Pope. Ignatius Loyola  founder of the Jesuit Order in the mid 16th century  is what some of the Republicans believe in.

Sanctimonious, self-righteous, pompous, corrupt, arrogant and sense of entitlement associated with being an aristocrat. Far right hand of god is what the Republican Party is all about and all the social conservative views attached to it. Oppose abortion, oppose gay marriage, climate change skeptic/deniers etc. 

International banker/financier or a corporate lawyer is more than likely the occupation(s) he served prior to becoming a Republican politician. 

Tax credits and lower taxes to companies controlled by wealthy elites, smaller government and spending cuts to hurt the lower working class people.