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Robin vs Aokiji would make a lot of sense, but the problem is the haki requirement for her to do so. Robin's "color" is likely on the mantra side of things, and not the Kuja side.


I would like to see Kizaru fight Sanji actually, epic kick battles ahoy


Though i suppose it could go either way for Akainu. Luffy could just kick his ass right out of the gate to sort of show how much he's grown, or they'll save it for the very end (because if not Akainu and the other admirals and Shichibukai, who will be the final battle? Who could they introduce that would be that much more of a threat?)

I'll also toss in a bet that Usopp is going to develop Kairoseki weaponry of some sort, just because nobody's really bothered to exploit that aside from Smoker with his metal rod thing.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.