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d21lewis said:

Now that's what I'm talking about!  Some red hot Yivo action!!

That's the first thing i thought when I saw the tittle :D

wfz said:

Would the existence of Aliens not collide with the beliefs of the church? And how are we going to determine if they have "souls?"


And why do we exclude other animals from our very own planet from having souls...

Having any number of tentacles is not the only qualifier. "He said the characteristics synonymous with having a soul - intelligence, free will, freedom to love and freedom to make decisions..."

So I guess they just don't consider animals inteligent enough.

Kasz216 said:

A) The pope has a space rock collection?  That's random.

B) Stephen Hawking works for the catholic church?  I'd thought you'd have to be catholic.

C) I always thought how weird it'd be if we went to a planet and it turned out they had a religion... and just not ANY religion but one of our religons just "more advanced"... like jesus or muhammad or whoever died and then appeared on their planet and then saw earth as like their Jersasulem.

It'd be an interesting story.  Probably lead to a crusade of the aliens trying to take over earth, cause well sceince fiction is nothing if full of invasions of earth.


If I understand it right, they have this kind of board (from outside) of proeminent scientists that will talk to their own (catholic) scientists every now and then to show them how science is evolving, so their own scientist can reconcile that with the faith and so on. I actually think it's awesome.

leatherhat said:

The catholic church gets a bad rap when it comes to science but on that front at least they happen to be one of the more progressive religions

This. How many times do you hear any other church attacking intelligent desing and saying things like God of the gaps or of thunder and lightning?