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ManusJustus said:
TheRealMafoo said:

They are against the government forcing another's idea of morality onto you. This includes there own morality (what sets them apart).

That is a huge lie.  I've heard Tea Party politicans speak, I have one of my own running in the Republican side in my state, they want to take more freedoms away than the Republicans they replaced and the Democrats they are running against.

For example, Democrats ten to let the woman decide on abortion and Republicans tend to want abortion to be banned expect for cases of rape and incest.  The retarded Tea Party candidate wants to ban abortion in all cases, so even underage girls who were raped by their father would be forced to have a child.  The morning after pill is considered abortion to, so they want to get rid of that as well.

Who is the candidate?

Also, this is what got Rand Paul called a racist. He was for everything in the civil rights movement, other then telling completely private restaurants who they are required to serve food to.

He feeling, is if I buy my own piece of land without government assistance, build a building on it without government assistance, and operate it without government assistance, I should be 100% allowed to say who can enter my property.

That's his position, is had nothing to do with race. They then asked him "So it's ok to have a restaurant with a sign that says "no blacks allowed". The obvious answer is yes, but that does not make you a racist. No one asked him it if was ok to have a sign that said "no white allowed" in a black community, or "no straight people allowed" in a gay community. His answer would have been the same.

If a restaurant opened up around Rand Paul that didn't allow blacks while he was in office, I could see him disgusted by it, protesting out in front of it, sending out flyers to help stop people from eating there, and hoping it goes out of business.

A Restaurant that does now allow black people (or any people as a group) would disgust Rand Paul. That does not mean just because he doesn't like it, he is going to make a law to stop it.

That's the problem today with everyone in office. They have a vision of how they think you should conduct yourself, and then try and pass law to force you to do so. The Constitution was written with the sole purpose of stopping that.

That's what freedom means. To be free to do anything you like that does not step on other peoples liberties, regardless of what other people think about it.