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ManusJustus said:
TheRealMafoo said:

They are against the government forcing another's idea of morality onto you. This includes there own morality (what sets them apart).

That is a huge lie.  I've heard Tea Party politicans speak, I have one of my own running in the Republican side in my state, they want to take more freedoms away than the Republicans they replaced and the Democrats they are running against.

For example, Democrats ten to let the woman decide on abortion and Republicans tend to want abortion to be banned expect for cases of rape and incest.  The retarded Tea Party candidate wants to ban abortion in all cases, so even underage girls who were raped by their father would be forced to have a child.  The morning after pill is considered abortion to, so they want to get rid of that as well.

Once again, do you have any evidence to support that the Tea Party holds this position? This can't be one candidate's viewpoint either, or the view of a handful of supporters, because extreme views on abortion exist in both parties on both sides of the abortion debate. Some politicians support partial birth abortion, which is a reprehensible act even to most people in favour of abortion while others have just as extreme of views as you're suggesting the Tea-Party has; and both of these extreme views exist in supporters and politicians of both major political parties.

Abortion as an issue which is based on the question of when a human being should be considered a living entity; and it is not quite as binary as "when you're born" in people's opinions. Some people believe that you're a human at conception, others when you've reached a certain level of development within the womb, and others believe that you aren't a human until you have been born. At the point an individual believes that a fetus becomes an unborn person the act of aborting the child is the moral equivalent of crushing a new-born baby's head with a rock; and (for the most part) we do not tolerate the murder of an individual in society regardless of whether you were wronged by another.

People who oppose abortion would generally point out that they're defending the rights of a individuals who can not speak for themselves, who are being punished/murdered because of the irresponsible act of another human being. You may disagree with this point of view, but it is just as valid as your position, and (hopefully) you're understanding enough to see how both sides of the abortion debate can see it as defending the rights of individuals.