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Halo Reach fails to meet my lofty expectations, but then again, I had VERY VERY high expectations, and it was easily met by the NA number, but PAL and Japan are going to be flat, and I expected better results from those regions.  With that said...WOW to the numbers posted anyway, in the consoles pushed and the software sales.  I guess Halo is STILL a premiere brand, and that does not look to change in the future.  We will ahve to see how next week drops off to know the future, but so far, these numbers are quite impressive.  I guess M$ spin doctors weren't kidding about this being the biggest game of the year.  We will have to see what COD can do on the 360, but regardless, 360 might have two 3 million sellers in week one...amazing!

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder