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Maynard_Tool said:
wholikeswood said:
Maynard_Tool said:
CGI-Quality said:
Pyro as Bill said:

Seece, just imagine if MS or Sony had to rely on first party alone and then tell us who's worked harder this gen. When MS or Sony can create multiple 20M sellers EVERY YEAR instead of killing great GAMING companies like Rare, they might get a look in.

MS and Sony haven't worked hard, Bobby Kotick did all the hard work.

Even you can't believe such foolishness.

Yeah, I wouldn't go that FAR. But is obvious that Nintendo is the one actually working their ass lately. They have to rely mostly on their games, because third parties pretend the wii doesn't exist.... is like they are trying to drive nintendo out of the bussiness O.o

Ms and Sony, mostly MS, have work in this generation, not as much as Nintendo, but they have done their thing. MS has done a lot.. Sony, well.... can't really say the same about them. But no questions, Nintendo is the one trying to innovate in the industry

Yes, it's all one big conspiracy against Nintendo. How's that tin foil hat working out for you? Hope it's not too tight.

Seriously, Maynard_Tool has to be the most incredible poster on the site: he criticises Seece for "redundantly" talking about the 360 topping the Wii for yet another week running, despite the fact that Maynard has been "redundantly" posting "Ouch @ PSP!!" in weekly sales threads for the last 18 months.

Dios mio...

First of all... about the third parties. I don't think that's real. That's why i wrote "IS like they..." The only tight thing here is ur ... I dont want to get banned.


I dare you to put your money where ur mouth is... point at my last Ouch for psp post please.

Oh, just for you to know, I SAID that everyone here writes the same week after week, me included. I just picked on seece b/c he picked on someone else saying that he says the same thing every week... when everyone does it, including me.

You are not the most incredible poster here, just the dumbest. Sticking your nose when you dont even know whats going on xDi recomend you to read the whole thing, not part of it.

Go back to your hole man, seriously.


I understand perfectly well what a simile is, Tool. I'm embarrassed for you that you mistook my humour as serious.

Sadly, VGC 3.0 is terribly designed and lacks a basic search function for posts (and I'm certainly not about to give up several hours of my sleep to manually pick my way through your back-catalogue of dross postage), but anyone who's been around this forum for more than a few months will know exactly what I'm getting at when I refer to your inane and seemingly endless observations in sales threads about the PSP's moribund existence.

And thanks, but I did read the "whole thing" (as woeful as your contributions were). In return, I recommend you either step up and match my posts with intelligent responses of your own, or simply retire from posting altogether.