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Viper1 said:
haxxiy said:
Mr Khan said:
haxxiy said:

These specs are way too low for what the hardware is showing unless Nintendo and Capcom divulged some bullshots. It does not compare well even towards the 6-year old PSP. Unless, of course, there's much more packed under these designs and clock rates than it seems at first.

2 CPUs at that clock speed, for starters, that alone makes direct numerical comparisons spotty

The PSP also had 2 CPUs (one of them lacked vectors, but still...)

The CPU is used just to power the multimedia functions.  It's not a gaming CPU at all.

Speaking of specs, I've had these two theories about Resident Evil 4 on the PS2:

  • It had reduced graphics due to the GPU not being compatible with texture compression (even though the texturing otherwise was just as good).
  • That the reason cut scenes were FMVs was that the GC used part of the 16MB of sound memory (which some said had to be excess due to the channels only taking up 6MB at most) as a way to store data read off the disc for quick loading, thus allowing quick loading of success or failure scenes, and the PS2 could not pull that off.
  • Can you tell me if either of those is correct (or close)?

    A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

    Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs