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Derixs said:

The Arm 11 specs dont make much sense unless Nintendo scalled them back a lot. Direct specs form Arm's website. Just doing some research. I am still getting this damn thing day 1!

ARM11 Processor Family

The ARM11™ processor family provides the engine that powers most smartphones in production today; it is also widely used in consumer, home, and embedded applications. It delivers extreme low power and a range of performance from 350 MHz in small area designs up to 1 GHz in speed optimized designs in 45 and 65 nm. ARM11 processor software is compatible with all previous generations of ARM processors, and introduces 32-bit SIMD for media processing, physically tagged caches to improve OS context switch performance, TrustZone for hardware-enforced security, and tightly coupled memories for real-time applications.

direct link

Edited: After reading more on the ARM11 this could also have multiple cores 1-4 cores per chip.
"1 to 4 cores in an SMP cluster with ARM11 MPCore™"

As I posted earlier those specs are probably inccorect. the ARM11 "starts" at 350 MHz...

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