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Hear hear! I loved John Lucas and Girl Gamers comments!

I feel that most 360 and PS3 gamers fail to realize that yes, their consoles are here to stay and will sell. However the type of momentum that Nintendo has created is the type that these companies are noticing and will eventually imitate. Thus this is why Wii IS a revolution! Wii has changed the gaming industry forever. I have no doubts that both Sony and MS will follow suit with their next gen. consoles. For now though, Sony and MS are satisfied? Why? Its not because of their loses with these consoles, rather they both had an agenda that went farther than gaming. Sony went and pushed Blu-Ray and thanks to the PS3 it will most likely win. The royalties they will make out of every Blu-Ray disc is going to be so enourmous that it will not matter to them whether the PS3 win this generation or not. Just look how DVD has kept Toshiba alive even with the loses they see with their HD-DVD players.
On the other hand Microsoft's agenda was all about entering a new market that has money and expanding it with online services. XBox Live became a success regardless of the first XBox losses and has changed the market forever.
Nintendo has brought back simplicity, expanded the market to new levels, and has opened the door for Microsoft and Sony to go after it. I remember somebody compared the Wii with an Ipod earlier in this thread and he is absolutely right. Everyone has seen what the Ipod success did. Everyone wanted a piece of the pie and now you see all sorts of MP3 players brand. Now with Nintendo's success don't be surprised when the next gen war is not so next gen, rather with new gimmicks as Sony and Microsoft try to dig on this newly expanded market.

What are you looking at, nerd?